Saunière & Poussin: Again

Paul Smith

9 March 2025

Believers are prisoners of their wishful thinking.

What is the source of Saunière’s connection with paintings? Only Pierre Plantard and Philippe de Chérisey! It was not Noël Corbu!

Certain people are still clinging to the 1960s myths of Abbé Saunière and Rennes-le-Château as fabricated by Pierre Plantard & Philippe de Chérisey (not mentioned by Noël Corbu) – they are claiming to reconstruct the passages in a letter to their liking when in fact all they need to do is to write to the Louvre themselves today for the same information! Why don't they do that? The transcript of the letter to In-Vision Productions probably still exists today in The Louvre. The technology change from analogue to digital has made reading the writing in the certain letter illegible – but I can still distinctly remember the concluding remarks of the letter given in the documentary “History of a Mystery” as having the words “paranoia”.

It's completely useless to trust the believers because they are only interesting into brainwashing themselves into the myths of Rennes-le-Château – a “mystery” that is extremely easy to debunk and discredit! It has been discredited so many times!

This is obviously a classic example of people transferring their agendas onto illegible texts (akin to a famous note involving a Roswell photograph). As for Simon Miles, he is guilty of doing exactly the same thing – for example he claims that the text written by either Philippe de Chérisey or Gérard de Sède (or collaborated by both), Le Serpent Rouge, written in 1967, is “authentic” – but only according to his own personal idiosyncratic judgements that cannot be endorsed independently because they are not provable!

There are as many versions of “Sacred Landscape Geometry” as there are people! So who can we trust – Simon Miles, Henry Lincoln, David Wood, the contents of the documents of the Priory of Sion, Ron Weighell, they are all different – and the list probably continues on and on if we include all the French authors.

The problem with the believers is that they are inclined to believe in as many contradictory theories as possible, because it is more fun. Believing in fantasies is always much more fun than believing in mundane everyday facts like 2+2=4. Simon Miles has got a new English book out, let's all flock into believing the very latest “Sacred Landscape Geometry”!

NOBODY takes the Rennes-le-Château “mysteries” seriously apart from those people who practice the hobby of suspending common sense. DRAC has ignored the Rennes-le-Château “mystery” ever since Noël Corbu began spinning his yarns about Saunière during the mid-1950s.

So I repeat, it is far easier to write to the Louvre directly than to guess incoherent script and transferring one's wishful thinking onto it – but that is much too difficult for the believers!