People Demand Mysteries!

Paul Smith

10 March 2025

René Descadeillas both massacred and slaughtered the myths of the parchments and Saunière going to Paris, and Poussin.

The trouble is that people like Sandy Hamblett seriously believe in “Notice sur Rennes-le-Château et l’Abbé Saunière” (1962) that was written when Descadeillas was still a believer, and they naturally keep silent about his later book “Mythologie du Trésor de Rennes” (1974) – written when Descadeillas became a skeptic and no longer believed in the things that were outlined in his earlier 1962 book.

When Descadeillas published his “Mythologie du Trésor de Rennes” – he placed an “interdit” on his earlier 1962 work being copied because he changed his mind and his earlier work no longer represented his views. It was forbidden to photocopy his 1962 book. It does not matter anyway because nobody takes any notice of the myths.

It was only after the death of Descadeillas in 1986 and when the “interdit” on his earlier book had expired – that Michel Vallet published the 1962 book by Descadeillas because Michel Vallet is a true believer in the treasure of Rennes-le-Château.

There is no evidence that “Power and Death” was written by Noël Corbu for several reasons. A certain name keeps cropping-up as the real author of that text (not Pierre Plantard or Philippe de Chérisey).

I have pointed this out several times but people have completely brainwashed themselves into the silly treasure stories (and anything else that’s going). They just ignore anything at all that debunks the rubbish theories of Abbé Bérenger Saunière and Rennes-le-Château – the myths that bore everybody to death who have a modicum of common sense. I have even heard that believers in the treasure of Rennes-le-Château describe the so-called “experts” as Healers (!).

I remember during one of my visits to Rennes-le-Château during the 1990s – I overheard several ladies who were obviously senior citizens in their late 60s, 70s and possibly even 80s. One of them said to the rest of them: “I have just bought this pile of books, and their contents look like they have all been cooked-up as well”. I have often repeated this story and it always raises a laugh and acts like an antidote against the ever-pervading insanity.