Magic Mushrooms In The Bible.
Cannabis. LSD. Wild Rye.
(All Failed Candidates)

Paul Smith

21 November 2024
Revised 2 January 2025

Several candidates have been in contention as being the Holy Drug of the Holy Bible. Magic Mushrooms, Cannabis and Wild Rye.

The oldest contender is Cannabis (also known as Hemp, Weed, Marijuana, Dope, Pot, Grass, Ganja, Mary Jane, etc). The spiritual leader of the Rastafarians, Haile Selassie (born Tafari Makonnen; 1892-assassinated 1972), is considered by many to be the Black Messiah, Jah Rastafari, and God incarnate (Afrocentrism). Cannabis is regarded as a Sacrament by the Rastafarians but the origins of its ritual are not exactly known. Many Rastafarians use it regularly as a part of their faith, and pipes of cannabis are dedicated to His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I.

In 1935 G. G. Maragh (Rt. Hon. Leonard Percival Howell, 1898-1981) began to preach that Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia (Ras Tafari) was The Messiah, that Black people were The Chosen People and would soon be repatriated to Ethiopia. Maragh's book “The Promised Key” was published in 1935 – called a rewritten version of “The Royal Parchment Scroll of Black Supremacy” by Reverend Fitz Balintine Pettersburg in about 1926.

Howell established the first Rastafarian community in 1932 called The Ethiopian Salvation Union, which by the 1940s was renamed The Pinnacle Community and by then was associated with ganja smoking (cannabis sativa), identified as the Ritual Sacrament of the Rastafarians.

Recently Cannabis has been discovered by archaeologists as being used in Ancient Judea in their religious services.

It has been theorised since at least 1980 of the connection between “The Burning Bush” and Cannabis. More recently, Chris Bennett has been the advocate of the link between Cannabis and Christianity.

Wild Rye (Peganum Harmala), has been introduced to the world of The Bible by Luke A. Myers in his 2011 book, “Gnostic Visions: Uncovering The Greatest Secret of The Ancient World". The author's contention is that Wild Rye, that has a mind-altering effect, was the drug of the Gnostics.

Another recent theory is that Joseph Smith, the Founder of the Mormon Church, could have been inspired by a psychedelic. Authors on this subject matter include Robert T. Beckstead, Brian Hales and Cody Noconi.

First introduced by Dan Merkur and then followed by Brian C. Muraresku in his 2020 book, “The Immortality Key: The Secret History of the Religion with No Name”, LSD (claviceps purpurea) has also been proposed as a possibility. On a personal level, I privately regarded that LSD was the Sacred Drug of The Bible since the late 1970s and I could explain it much better than Brian Muraresku ever could – until I found out I was mistaken.

The popular Drug of The Bible is the Fly-Agaric (Amanita Muscaria), first brought to attention by John Marco Allegro in his book “The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross” (1970), arguing that it was used by Christianity as part of a fertility cult. I cannot remember where I read this anymore, but it has been suggested that the Fly-Agaric was only introduced into Israel after the Second World War. However, Allegro's explanation seems to be the most popular which has gathered many followers over the years around the world, including many scholars like Carl A. P. Ruck, who has written several books about it. I first found out about Allegro's Magic Mushroom Theory after reading a paragraph about it in the paperback by W. Raymond Drake, “Messengers From The Stars” (1977).

R. G. Wasson wrote a book in 1968 called “Soma: Divine Mushroom of Immortality” where he theorized that the identity of Soma was the Fly-Agaric. Following the publication of Allegro’s book, Wasson asked Allegro by correspondence where he got the idea from, Allegro replied by reading about the Fresco of Plaincourault, France, depicting Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden before the Tree of Life, that was really the mushroom Amanita Muscaria, by reading “Mushrooms and Toadstools” by John Ramsbottom (1953). Found in the book by Jan Irvin & Jack Herer, “The Holy Mushroom: Evidence of Mushrooms In Judeo-Christianity – A Critical Re-Evaluation of The Schism Between John M. Allegro and R. Gordon Wasson Over The Theory on The Entheogenic Origins of Christianity Presented In The Sacred Mushroom and The Cross” (2008).

The historical integrity of Jesus Christ's existence lies in the Crucifixion because it is specifically mentioned in the Gospels and is the very heart of the Christian Mass. This is what Historians base their whole reputation on. There are two objections to the idea of the Historical Jesus Christ that historians take no notice of.

Firstly, the Gospels can only be dated with certainty to about 150 AD (despite all the forthright propaganda of the Theologians that they date them from BEFORE the Second Century, that cannot be proven). The earliest Christians from the First Century did not mention a Historical Jesus Christ.

Secondly, there was another sect of Christians who did not believe in the Historical Christ because to them Matter was deemed to be Evil. Therefore it was not possible to “Crucify” a Spiritual Being. These Christians called themselves Gnostics who are also commonly called Dualists due to their belief that Matter was Evil and Spirit was Good, and that the Son of God would never have appeared in Flesh. Their writings certainly contain evidence of psychedelic usage.

It is generally interpreted (100%) that the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ was a historical event. This is true, it is presented as a Historical Event. But let's put this point: Jesus Christ was specifically Crucified around the time of the Passover (the Gospels quibble about the correct time, but it was during Passover). Therefore Jesus Christ was not Crucified “anytime” but specifically during (or thereabouts) the main Jewish Festival of the Passover. Furthermore, although the Christians of the First Century mentioned A CRUCIFIXION it was in the spiritual and not in the historical sense.

The people of Judea first began to be crucified by the Greeks, subsequently practiced by the Romans. Crucifixion was regarded as the ultimate punishment. Therefore presenting Crucifixion as Timeless and as an “Atoning Sacrifice by a Saviour who Resurrected from the Dead” made perfect common sense without any emphasis on historical fact in the first place. It is also possible that such a minor Jewish Cult could have incorporated its religious values in the form of “history” as part of its evolving history during the mid-Second Century by a different generation of Christians. This is perfectly possible and we COULD have all been diddled by historical circumstance.

Christianity has embedded and fossilised itself into the History and Culture of Western Civilisation. There is no getting away from that. But mistakes exist to be rectified. There is nothing wrong in turning the world into a secular civilisation and to regard Christianity as a crazy anachronism.

For example, France did this very thing during the French Revolution of 1789-1794. Another example was the United States in its War of Independence 1775-1783, whereby the Enlightenment played its role through the Founding Fathers of the United States (although the idea of the value of the Church in America was first popularly formed during the three dust bowls of 1934, 1936, and 1939–1940, finally adopting the motto “In God We Trust” in 1956).

France does not have a Primate of the Christian Church. Neither does America although it has a representative of the Eastern Orthodox Church: His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon of All America and Canada, Primate of the Orthodox Church in America.

Most countries of the Western World keep the tradition of Christianity and apply the Legacy of the “Historical” Jesus Christ.

The question remains, what are the ultimate facts relating to Christianity and what was Christianity originally. Very different to what Historians and Theologians assume, that's for sure.

The sheer ignorance found in “The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail”, first published in 1982, remains laughable! Yet it continues to bedazzle and to inspire the ignorant in society whose knowledge of religion is completely non-existent.