Christianity formed The Gospels during the Second Century that had embedded within them the secret of the initiates. Exactly the same thing applied to the earlier Jewish Torah.
By believing in the literal biography of Jesus, Christians would also simultaneously believe in its subtext, without realising it.
The Gospels took on a life of their own and the “Romantic” version of Christianity triumphed, originally its existence was under threat from Julian the Apostate and the Emperor Diocletian, but it eventually managed to overwhelm the Roman Empire. But people were still unaware of what the religion was all about.
The earliest Christian writings date from the first century. These writings never mentioned the biography of Jesus Christ. The central aspect of the writings of the first century refer to the Lord's Supper and to the Eucharist, in which can be found the substance of Jesus Christ. These Epistles relate to matters that only initiated Christians have experienced and can be able to understand.
The central question has got to be this. Do the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches still have this information today, in 2024?