The Jesus Bloodline In France
The Horrific Truth
Paul Smith
9 November 2021
Updated 10 November 2021
The United Kingdom is a Christan country with its Monarch being the Head of the Church of England. Therefore it is not too surprising that most British people don't know about the history of France. Much more to the point, the French people don't seem to know either.
The French Revolution 1793 wasn't just about the abolition of the French Monarchy. It was about the abolition of Christianity as well. Both Church and State went to the chopping block. The trouble was that the people demanded Christianity to stay on.
Christianity officially survived as a State Religion until the separation of Church from State in France in 1905-1906. French clerical schools were abolished. Every religious building in France became the property of the French Republic: only the religious ceremonies within the buildings were Christian. (Monarchism in France made a comeback during the First World War.)
The French Republic officially regards Christianity as a Cult, with the Grand Orient de France supervising the situation so that it will never slacken – the Grand Master keeps a very close watchful eye.
There is no Christian Primate of France.
So where does that leave the “Jesus Bloodline” in relation to the French Republic? Voila! Jesus Christ's head goes onto the chopping block!
There is no place for the “Jesus Christ Bloodline” in the French Republic.
Again, what useless rubbish the books Holy Blood, Holy Grail and The Da Vinci Code (the latter is a novel based on “fact”).
A civic, naturalistic religion of the french revolution, dedicated to the worship of Reason and Liberty and intended as a substitute for Christianity. The Paris Commune, under the leadership of Pierre Chaumette, inaugurated the cult with a ceremony in the cathedral of Notre Dame (10 November 1793), three days after Jean Gobel, the constitutional bishop of the capital, had been induced to abdicate his priesthood. In the cathedral a shrine was erected in honor of Reason and Liberty. In front of the choir a sacred mountain was constructed, surmounted by a small Greek temple in honor of Philosophy. Surrounding it were busts representing leading figures in the enlightenment (probably Montesquieu, Rousseau, Voltaire, and Benjamin Franklin). A young opera singer, whose name remains uncertain, posed as Liberty and was dubbed “Goddess of Reason.” A flame, symbolic of truth, burned on an altar, while white-clad young girls, wearing tri-colored sashes representative of allegiance to the Republic, carried torches up and down the sacred mountain. Meanwhile the congregation sang André Chenier's hymn: “Come, Holy Liberty, dwell in this temple; become the Goddess of the French people.”
As the cult spread to other parts of France, modifications were introduced. Some temples of Reason recognized the Supreme Being; others venerated Brutus or Jean Marat. The revolutionary extremists, who were trying to dechristianize the country, claimed that Christianity was too otherworldly to oppose tyranny and was nearing extinction. They hoped to speed the process with the new cult. One of their chief vehicles of propaganda was Moniteur du culte de la raison, edited by Pierre Chantreau. Jacobins eagerly adopted the cult, even in the provinces. By order of the commune (24 November 1793), all churches in Paris were transformed into temples of Reason. The Cult of Reason vanished quickly, after its chief exponents, Chaumette and Jacques Hébert, were guillotined (24 March 1794); it was supplanted by the Cult of the Supreme Being (May 1794).

Fęte de la Raison, Notre Dame, Paris
An Allegory of the Revolution with a portrait medallion of Jean Jacques Rousseau