One Believer In Rubbish Was Correct

29 May 2024

Yes indeed, the Rennes-le-Château “mystery” should be dismissed as a fabrication and all of those who take it all seriously are naïve and gullible. This is not “news”.

The Internet has really brought out all those people addicted to pure nonsense into the open for everyone to see. Their howlers are non-stop examples of belief in anything that does not conform to basic common sense.

As far as Sacred Landscape Geometry is concerned, we have each book contradicting the other – no two such books agree with the other – and how many contradictory books on this subject-matter have been published – no proof has been presented by any of these authors to SUBSTANTIATE any of it (other than it being the product of their wishful thinking). The believers don't care less about that because they want to believe in all of the books and all of the contradictory “facts” contained in them. The only criteria required by any such author is to produce more and more unprovable beliefs (that they call “facts”).

A book recently published placed emphasis on Le Serpent Rouge (a work that is not known to have existed before 17 March 1967) – and sure enough, one aficionado of the Rennes-le-Château “mystery” has placed a quote from that work prominently on their website.

The believers are totally indestructible and are completely immune to criticism and relish breaking the rules of common sense.

The believers occupy a different reality to other people, spewing their unfounded beliefs anyhow and can even be members of archaeological societies without letting on that the archaeological societies concerned have rejected their beliefs! They print magazines on University Press Printers because they have been to University and that automatically “qualifies” and “justifies” their content! (One leader of an archaeological society did not know that.)

In short, it can all be described as an as-yet uncategorized “psychological-type” – although it’s not so simple – as Isaac Newton, the perfect example showed, even brilliant scientific minds can be totally immersed in irrational fantasies – and if you look on Amazon Books you can find Kook Books written by professional psychologists that are totally batty!

Therefore anyone can be infected with this human frailty – and it is a Human Condition. Because for sure no other species on Planet Earth can be so stupid!

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