Henri Boudet & R. P. Vannier

Paul Smith

8 December 2017
Put online at: 8:55 PM GMT

The Plantard Legacy of Lies and Fakes continue to exist unchecked in December 2017.

An interview between Johan Netchacovitch and Jean-Paul Garcia that went online today 8 December on the Gazette de Rennes-le-Château website – as blurb to promote a recently published French book – recycled the bogus claim that Révérend Père Léopold Vannier (Superior of Notre Dame de Marceille 1879-1887), made the following comment about Abbé Henri Boudet:

“The Abbé Boudet holds a secret that could cause the greatest upheaval”.

This “quote” only originated in Plantard’s preface to the 1978 edition of Boudet’s La Vraie Langue Celtique (masterminded by Plantard’s friend, Jean-Pierre Deloux). It is only another example of Plantard’s fertile imagination.

Also another example of Rennes-le-Château Tunnel Vision among French Believers. The Jean-Pierre Garcia interview is filled with material that originated in Plantard’s imagination.

Rennes-le-Château Timeline
