Another Documentary for Rennes-le-Château Tourists

Yet another Apéritif without the Main Meal

01 June 2024

Once again Philippe Brunel is making another Teaser Documentary about Rennes-le-Château – this time it will be the first in a series! (The first documentary you can even find on YouTube.)

Having both bought and watched the previous DVDs I can assure everyone that this will only be more of the same and no different to those that went before it.

There is nothing to discover except Teasers of Mystery from Tour Guides and DVDs! Nobody is interested in the financial accounts of Abbé Bérenger Saunière and how this money was used to refurbish and renovate his church, pay for his Tour Magdala, his Belvedere and Orangery, his gardens and lands, as well as his Villa Bethanie – and let's not forget his many bottles of rum! Nobody is interested that Abbé Bérenger Saunière died in poverty and that his maid Marie Dénarnaud lived a life of hardship until Noël Corbu finally settled her debts in 1946. How much did Noël Corbu pay for Saunière’s Domain in 1946 – will any of the documentaries refresh our memories?

There are so many books, websites, articles and DVDs by disillusioned people that in turn make other people disillusioned.

Go and visit Rennes-le-Château. I highly recommend it. The Aude and the Pyrenees are a beautiful place in France. It reminds me instantly of the beauty of Wales. But put the “mystery” on the back burner. You really don't need to travel that far to such a beautiful destination for nothing!

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