Rennes-le-Château: Let's Follow The Researchers!
9 March 2023
What is there to “Research” about Rennes-le-Château? Patrick Mensior, for a good example, is a True Believer in the myths and is always looking for other myths to add to his collection. Mensior's first book was L'Extraordinaire Secret des Prêtres Rennes-le-Château (2001).
We could begin collecting all the information on all the True Believers calling themselves researchers – who delude innocent members of the public into becoming one of their illuminated gangs”.
What is so special about the phrase “Jesus of Galilee is not here” apart from it being a possible joke nickname of the local village idiot? Magdala is on the shores of the Sea of Galilee and the church of Rennes-le-Château is dedicated to St Mary Magdalene. The phrase exists six times in the parish register of births, marriages and deaths of the commune of Rennes-le-Château 1737-1802. I am sure there are other phrases the mythomanics can find in other parish registers found in other villages, towns and cities.
The same thing can especially be said about the gravestone of Marie de Nègre d'Ables. There are other gravestones in the region that also bear similar inscriptions that could have been made by a semi-illiterate sculptor. The best thing to do is to trace all these associated gravestones with spelling mistakes and to see if they all form a timetable and perhaps this could provide the name of the sculptor (but this would give the idea of another mystery for our mystery-buffs!).
In the meantime, we can view with remarkable splendour the omission from the agendas of the True Believers the Ecclesiastical Trial of Bérenger Saunière 1910-1911. Conspiracy Theorists can often be spotted by the things they leave out (usually facts that get in their way) as well as the Web of Lies they spin.
An honest researcher would not leave out the Ecclesiastical Trial of Bérenger Saunière 1910-1911.
