What has the Stele of Marie de Nègre d’Ables
got to do with treasure, secret or a mystery?

The Fairy Tale Continues

28 May 2024

When Elie Tisseyre wrote about the Stele of Marie de Nègre d’Ables he did not associate it with any “mystery” or “treasure” or a “secret”.

To Elie Tisseyre, the stele was just another stele.

Just like the accounts by Antoine Fages, August Fons – just like the Bulletin SESA 1906, page LIV and “La Dépêche du Midi” – they did not associate the stele with any “mystery”, “treasure” or “secret”.

The stele, in each and every one of these accounts, is only described as a stele.

The most likely explanation of its existence was that it was discovered by workmen beneath the overgrowth of the old cemetery, who were making way for Abbé Bérenger Saunière's new office.

Henry Lincoln’s Guide To Rennes-Le-Château And The Aude Valley
Illuminated Word Ltd, 2002

The Rennes-le-Château mythomaniacs are at it again.

They haven't referred to the stele for five minutes and they are suffering from withdrawal symptoms already!

Boring repeat

Rennes-le-Château Timeline
