Sin or Science?
Paul Smith
27 February 2025
Updated 28 February 2025
Question: What is stopping the Education System from teaching children about the true nature of Christianity?
Answer: Quite apart of the self-importance of the history of the establishment of the Church and its link with 1) Royalty and 2) Democratic Leaders that have used it as an official social status, we are already teaching children in schools about Christianity, if only in a fractured way – because of the many hundreds of denominations around the world that came about since the Protestant Reformation during the 16th century, when people went to the extent of burning people alive and decapitating them over what amounts to a Myth.
The basic principle of original Christianity is that sex is a sin that human beings have inherited from birth and the only people guaranteed a place in heaven are those who die as virgins. The main original Christian establishments were Roman Catholicism and the Eastern Orthodox Church, after they killed off all the various heresies – note that even they were extremists in believing that sexual chastity was a virtue and was the only way for us all to live.
The Protestant Reformation cannot be trusted because it let things slip, values became watered-down when Protestantism rejected the Virgin Mary and the Eucharist – totally misunderstanding that these beliefs all essentially represented the same thing. Protestants still believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ but cannot comprehend that the Virgin Mary and the Eucharist are exactly the same thing but presented differently in the form of a story that Believers originally had to fundamentally believe in without really knowing too much.
The story of Jesus Christ in the Gospels is only a fable that enshrines the central Christian values of regarding sex as a sin and blaming it all on Eve in the Garden of Eden that resulted in the expulsion of Adam & Eve from Paradise.
Note that this is the exact opposite of Judaism that believes in the tenet “Go forth and multiply” and that there is no such thing as sin in Judaism when it comes to sex. The concept of Sin in Judaism is breaking the 10 commandments that is something completely different. Judaism teaches that people are born sinless but adopt Sin when they go astray. Christianity teaches the exact opposite – we are all born into Sin.
This latter tenet is what exists in the very nucleus and heart of Christianity and what lies in the very core of the Gospels.
That is the main reason why Roman Catholic priests cannot marry. Priests in the Greek Orthodox Church can marry but before ordination as a priest. This is the main difference between Roman Catholicism and the Greek Orthodox Church.
There is no scientific basis for the beliefs held by the Roman Catholic Church or by the Greek Orthodox Church. It all depends on Faith, better known as Wishful Thinking.
By the way, the practice of going to the priest confessing your sins only really began during the 13th or 14th century. I have not seen the Papal Decree relating to it anywhere. I can only presume that it would require extensive research to find it.
Updated and Edited to add: The oldest reference to Christians confessing their sins would be to each other and not specifically to a priest, actually in the New Testament, James 5:16. Having read several references in some books to the origin of the ceremony of Confession dating to the Medieval period, I can only conclude this would have been referring to a possible universal practice observed in World Christianity that introduced the amount of penance of prayers to be said that reflected the amount of sins committed. The Christian that is usually referred to as having introduced the practice of Confession to a priest is St Basil (330-379). However what I have said here only represents guesswork and specialised knowledge would be required to confirm the factual account.
This article only gives an account of what was common knowledge in a Society that was once steeped in Religion when it was common for people to be churchgoers. It would be something new to the people of today. For example, today’s dedicated Roman Catholic Churchgoers would collect the amount of sins committed to eventually tell their priests at Confession (especially in Eastern Europe). Present-day Cinema would constitute a major problem to devout Roman Catholics because of its content of nudity. To give only two mundane examples: “Women In Love” (1969) and “Perfect Friday” (1970). Most people would find that excruciating in the extreme today.