Flying Saucers & Psychedelics

24 August 2024
Revised 25 August

Flying Saucers and Psychedelics – the subject matter alone makes normal and average people cringe.

First of all, Flying Saucers are a figment of the imagination. It doesn't matter if your name is Christopher Mellon or David Grusch – nobody has yet proved the existence of Extra-terrestrial beings from Outer Space that bear an uncanny humanoid appearance, and can even breathe our air and speak the English Language! Even their technology is remarkably similar! Not one observatory in the whole world has spotted an Alien Craft. Furthermore, if an Alien Craft from Outer Space were approaching Earth it would be known about within five minutes.

Both the Hubble and the James Webb Telescopes and the recent existence of mobile phones (cell phones) – where we all have immediate access to record Flying Saucer sightings – have all drawn a blank.

Furthermore, although “Flying Saucers” may look solid in nature, they could in fact really be gaseous. An optical illusion.

Then there is the “Inter-Dimensional Beings” theory that comes straight out of the 1920s science-fiction magazine “Amazing Stories”.

FLIR, GIMBAL & GOFAST were much publicised as the triumph of the Believers in Flying Saucers but they were merely unknown lights in the sky – and were mistakenly classified under the title Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) rather than the more precise and accurate term, Unidentified Terrestrial Phenomena.

Secondly, Psychedelics are a prime target for nutcases and cranks in exactly the same way as Flying Saucers. To the intellectually imbalanced, Psychedelics are just as addictive as Flying Saucers.

Neither the Greek Rulers of Palestine (the Seleucid Greek kings) – nor the Roman Empire that followed them – tolerated Judaism in any shape or form (except for collaborators) and in turn both the Greeks and the Romans crucified Jews as an attempted deterrent. The Jewish Cult of Death, better known as Christianity, was to take on a life of its own under the Roman Empire and it subsequently became the power of Western Civilization. We know the history very well. Such was the sheer power of superstition prior to the Age of Enlightenment.

The so-called “Historical Christ” is an Article of Faith that cannot be historically justified with a rigid provable explanation, and the best thing that can happen to Christianity is for it to be universally brought to an abrupt end explained as an ancient relic that is no longer required for the world we live in 2024. There is a simple explanation for Christianity that we do not learn about in University and all historians and Doctors of Theology are completely wrong about it. The need for an Archbishop of Canterbury and the Monarch in the UK to be the Head of the Church of England should be dismantled. Marriages and Funerals have had secular equivalents for a long time. It is no longer mandatory to swear on The Bible in a Court of Law, just like it’s no longer mandatory to begin Council Meetings with Christian Prayer. Secular equivalents exist in British Society that were once exclusively Christian.

Homo Sapiens species keep PROVING time and time again that it is only they that are the ones on Planet Earth that are capable of such stupidity. No other species can remotely match it. Human Beings prefer superstition to common sense, to nature itself.

Flying Saucers and Psychedelics are a toxic brew of a mix that the Nutcases and Cranks in Society cherish.