The Church Covered Up The True Origins of Christianity?

26 May 2024

Alexander The Great conquered and occupied Palestine in 332 BC. Why is this basic simple fact missing from this Podcast?

Judaea was later occupied by the Greek Seleucid Kings until the Maccabean Revolt 167-160 BC. Afterwards Palestine was conquered by the Romans in 63 BC, that eventually brought about the final downfall of their country until it was restored on 14 May 1948 (the day the British Mandate over Palestine was officially terminated in accordance with UN Resolution 181).

Because Greece was the ruling power it's obvious that fusion existed (in a way) between Greek and Jewish religious beliefs and cultural values. Not only because of Greek occupation but also because of Jewish collaborators.

Anyone who's heard about a Biblical Concordance would know how much the Old Testament influenced Christianity (and The Dead Sea Scrolls) – so making sweeping statements like “Christianity grew from Greek-Influenced Jewish Beliefs” and “understanding this helps us see how different religious ideas mixed and merged in the ancient world” are just a howler! (The Podcast is full of such stuff)

The lack of understanding the difference between Christianity and other religions – even when they sound similar – shows how deficient this whole podcast is.

It's funny to think how 19th century German Protestant Theologians were much more superior in their critical Christian analyses!

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