Jean-Luc Chaumeil & Stone and Paper
The Story of a document by Philippe de Chérisey
Paul Smith
3 December 2017
Put Online At: 12:20 PM GMT
Both Pierre Plantard and Philippe de Chérsiey admitted that the parchments contained in Gérard de Sède’s 1967 book L’Or de Rennes were forgeries after de Sède ran off with the royalties. This inspired Philippe de Chérisey to write his document Stone and Paper.
Pierre Plantard and Philippe de Chérisey later teamed-up with Jean-Luc Chaumeil to work on another book. Philippe de Chérisey wanted to deposit Stone and Paper in the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, but Plantard advised against it, hoping it would be published in the forthcoming planned book – but Chaumeil made his own decisions – Plantard’s name was not on the contract to Le Trésor du Triangle d’Or like it was on the contract to Gérard de Sede’s book L’Or de Rennes. Therefore Stone and Paper was not published by Chaumeil as hoped by Plantard, although Le Trésor du Triangle d’Or did contain a transcript of an interview with Philippe de Chérisey where he stated he forged the parchments (pages 79-80).

This was also how Jean-Luc Chaumeil acquired the copies of the two parchments that were published in Gérard de Sède’s 1967 book, L’Or de Rennes. Because Plantard hoped Chaumeil would publish Stone and Paper.
Therefore, both Pierre Plantard and Philippe de Chérisey were admitting since 1967 that the parchments were forgeries – and this was also repeated in most of the Priory of Sion documents between 1967-1991 (note how this information was omitted from books like The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail).
When the Priory of Sion documents 1967-1991 did refer to parchments, it was always to parchments that were different to those published by Gérard de Sède in L’Or de Rennes in 1967.