“An Extra Player” by John M. Saul
This book was first published in 2021
(The 1982 Time-Warp Continues)

31 May 2024

Pierre Plantard invented a myth about the Merovingians during the early 1960s – that he was the rightful descendant of King Dagobert II, until April 1990, when Plantard claimed that Otto von Habsburg was the direct descendant of King Dagobert II, while he was only a descendant of a cadet branch of the Merovingian Kings. Pierre Plantard was really a descendant of a 16th Century walnut-picker.

Pierre Plantard FIRST rejected the Jesus Bloodline Theory in 18 February 1982.

Pierre Plantard and Philippe de Chérisey were both screwballs that are no longer taken seriously in France.

It should be added that we now live in a free and democratic world – except for a few countries like Spain that still have a true reigning monarch, Felipe VI of Spain (the Monarchy in the UK has been a constitutional Monarchy since the “Glorious Revolution” that ousted King James II in 1689; ie, a ceremonial Monarchy. Even the great Queen Victoria was only a constitutional Monarch).

It's only people outside of France – who don't know anything about these things (or don't want to know) – and who refuse to admit that the archaeological societies which they belong to – reject their acceptance of The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail.

Funny how people take great pride in talking about rubbish (and do so without any sense of shame, despite their high educational credentials and positions in society – think of Isaac Newton). Still, there are many more people who believe in Flying Saucers that exist in a much bigger false reality on Planet Earth (and some of them are lawyers)!

It can only be presumed that some such people are very lonely people and that belief in such hokum gives them much comfort.

Rennes-le-Château Timeline
