Prehistoric Priory of Sion Article
Paul Smith
21 November 2023
This CENSORED article was first published on this website (unabridged and unedited) and it originally dates from when the 1970s Chronicle documentaries were broadcast on BBC 2.
I doubt very much that Jania MacGillivray's views have any connection with this article anymore. Just like Jean-Luc Chaumeil's views no longer have any connection within the 1970s context anymore.
In short, it is prehistoric material and should be viewed in the time when it was written – and in the UK particularly, because the discrediting of Pierre Plantard and his Priory of Sion was gaining speed during the same time in France (except “The Fool” of the Tarot Cards, Pierre Plantard, has been making a comeback amongst the mythomaniacs of Rennes-le-Château recently).
The article by Jania MacGillivray in question was given to me by the BBC in the course of my investigations during the 1980s.

“Jania Macgillivray”, Le Mysterioux Rennes-le-Château: The Plantard Grail (“Editions Pendragon, 1984”).
Deposition date: 1 October 1985.