The Continued Addiction to Pierre Plantard

7 September 2024
Updated 8 September 2024

Pierre Plantard died in 2000. We know that the Merovingian rubbish and the Priory of Sion fantasies were all part of his idiosyncratic imagination and fantasies. They all represented Plantard's pathological evidence of a madman. Yet there are still people who believe and cling to all this fantasy rubbish and swill today.

The willing discipleship of J-P Deloux to Pierre Plantard was still there in evidence when he wrote his introduction in Boudet’s book – but did J-P Deloux still cling to Pierre Plantard AFTER 1989 with Plantard's trashing of the 1967 “Dossiers Secrets” pretend history and the re-invention of the pedigree of the Priory of Sion?

We know that it was far too much for Louis Vazart (Plantard’s myth about Dagobert II was removed from the Stenay Tourism Guide) and perhaps Laurent ‘Octonovo’ Buchholtzer’s objection to Plantard was there all the time as witnessed in his 2008 book “Rennes-le-Château: Une Affaire Paradoxale” (probably rejected because of Buchholtzer’s Jewish heritage). Franck Marie did not have a high opinion of Plantard in his 1978 book “Rennes-le-Château: Etude Critique”. We have all witnessed the strange and unusual theories of Paul Saussez in his recent book “La Crypte Oubliée” but he absolutely has no sympathies for Pierre Plantard.

As for Christian Doumergue, he seems to reject “L’Énigme Sacrée” (French edition of “The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail”) but clings seriously to his version of Pierre Plantard and holds beliefs relating to Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene that are attempts at alternative history and New Age Beliefs. Doumergue’s version of Abbé Bérenger and Alfred Saunière with the Catholic Circle of Narbonne is just plain conspiracy theory and daft, as are some of his other theories about Rennes-le-Château.

By far the most notable people who ignored Pierre Plantard were Noël Corbu and Robert Charroux – who created the Rennes-le-Château “mystery” in the first place.

This shows that the continued interest in Pierre Plantard is really marginal and belongs to only a handful of people – mainly those same people who are still addicted to “The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail” – despite the historical evidence that the Jewish Line of David was wiped out in 586 BC with the Babylonian invasion of Judea (and there are mainstream Jewish scholars in existence who doubt the existence of the Line of David itself!). When Jewish Kingship was restored in Judea to resist the Greek occupation the Maccabees/Hasmoneans claimed they were of the Tribe of Levi, not the Line of David.

Addiction to the unreal continues to exist in all aspects of pseudo-history. Ranging from Flying Saucers to Bigfoot. Like it was stated previously a couple of times – it represents a stain on our species on Planet Earth.

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