Le Point, Number 1112
(page 11, 8 January 1994)
Roger Patrice-Pelat and Pierre Plantard
French Original
French Transcript
On 28 September 1993 Monsieur René-Roger Dagobert lodged a certain number of documents with the Court, including a letter headed “Prieuré de Sion” dated 8 March 1989 reporting the death of “our former Grand-Master... who was always very much a man in the background, perfectly honest and just, and who fell beneath the blows of certain American ‘initiates’.” Roger-Patrice Pelat. In a book on the subject it was stated that from 1963 to 1981 one of the people who ran the organisation was Pierre Plantard. Giving evidence on 19 October 1993, Pierre Plantard also known as Pierre Plantard de Saint-Clair stated that the Priory of Sion was an initiatory order with a pyramidal structure, consisting of a Nautonnier, three Surveillants, nine other members forming the Grand Council, then groups of three people each recruiting three other people in such a way as to reach the number 121. Monsieur Plantard further stated that he had heard nothing more about the Order since 1984.
On 15 November 1993 an article in France-Soir drew up a list of the alleged Grand-Masters of the Priory, including Thomas Plantard, who was Grand-Master from 1989. After locating Monsieur Pierre Plantard we proceeded immediately to interview him and to perform a thorough search of his residence. Plantard stated that a large part of the “brothers of the Order were spies”, that he had been Grand-Master for thirty-six days, that he had never attended a meeting of the Order and that he did not know any of its members. At his home we took possession of a copy of a magazine entitled Le Cercle, a “home-made” magazine based on articles from other esoteric magazines, press articles and photomontages. Interviewed again on 23 November 1993 Monsieur Pierre Plantard finished by stating that he was absolutely certain that Roger-Patrice Pelat had never been Grand-Master or even a member of the Priory of Sion. He simply stated that he had “made contact in 1970 with Roger-Patrice Pelat regarding the financing of a film entitled ‘L'or du diable’. This project had never got off the drawing-board. Monsieur Pelat had suggested Roger Hanin to play the part of Abbé Saunière”. There was therefore every reason to suppose that the letter sent by Monsieur Dagobert on Priory notepaper about the death of Roger-Patrice Pelat was a forgery.