“Jauclin” About The Large Parchment

Hugh de Bris

30 December 2023

“Jauclin” (Edouard Jauclin) in his article “The Large Parchment of Rennes-le-Château, Its Origins and Its Creator” stated that the deciphered message of the Large Parchment is determined through logical methodology. FALSE. The decipherment of the Large Parchment can only be decoded by its creator. Also, there is no logical “connection” between the Large Parchment and the Codex Bezae except for idealists with their heads in the skies.

Pierre Plantard knew all about “part of the decipherment” of the Large Parchment, as he showed this in an article by Norberto, “Le Symbolisme de L'Echiquier” (Vaincre, no 3, Septembre 1989; page 19).

Mariano Tomatis also commented: “Pierre Plantard presented a shifted version of the correct (and cyclic) Knight's Tour in his Rennes-le-Château conference at Corbu's Hotel de la Tour [alleged] on 6th June, 1964”.

Henry Lincoln showed how the decipherment of the Large Parchment was accomplished on television, stage by stage – and thus demonstrating it could only have been done by the creator of the Large Parchment. (But where did Henry Lincoln get his information from if the Large Parchment could not be deciphered – from Philippe de Chérisey ?!)

An explanation by Mariano Tomatis of the Large Parchment – 1) Webpage and 2) Video.

(Note: despite their inherent stupidity, both Pierre Plantard and Philippe de Chérisey understood advanced mathematics.)

Finally, “Jauclin’s” proposition that the knowledge of the Codex Bezae predated Wieland Willker’s discovery of the Codex Bezae being copied onto the Small Parchment is utter nonsense. All of the Codex Bezae addicts were non-existent before Wieland Willker’s discovery. This is funny: “The number 186 was the page number that the Codex Bezae was published – and was also the reverse of Pax 681 on the Large Parchment”.

“Jauclin”, Thierry Garnier and François Lange have all succinctly demonstrated that all articles by believers on the parchments are false and belong to the world of fantasy.

Addendum 31 December 2023: During the 1960s Pierre Plantard and Philippe de Chérisey wrote letters to each other. These letters have survived. The subject of this correspondence included the “parchments”. It was the popularity of The Dead Sea Scrolls during the early 1960s in France that influenced the idea of the “parchments”.

Rennes-le-Château Timeline
